Logan Thompson

Logan Thompson

Company: Kansas State University

Job title: Assistant Professor


Creating Robust MMRV Across Cattle Systems for Agriculture to Accurately Assess Carbon & GHG Emissions 9:30 am

Identifying the metrics and management that reflect ecological and emissions improvement in grazing land systems such as increased carbon sequestration to enable the supply chain to benefit Assisting producers in understanding metrics on the farm and ranch Reviewing challenges in assessing carbon and emission reduction intensity in grazing and cattle feeding systemsRead more

day: Conference Day One

Audience Discussion: Identifying Current Shortfalls & Opportunities in MMRV Platforms for Agriculture to Accelerate Progress 10:00 am

Accounting for the current gaps in MMRV platforms in agricultural supply chains to plan potential solutions What advancements can we anticipate in MMRV tools for agriculture moving forward in the long term? How can models be refined to accommodate variations in geolocations more effectively?Read more

day: Conference Day One

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