Conference Day One

Wednesday, November 13

7:30 am Check In & Coffee

8:45 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

  • Sean Arians Vice President, Sustainability, National Corn Growers Association

Assessing Current Capabilities & Challenges in MMRV for Enhanced Quantification of Carbon Sequestration & Emissions Removal

9:00 am Establishing Standard Criteria in MMRV Tools to Demonstrate Credibility & Consistency


  • Reviewing the lack of fixed MMRV framework and the need for a multipronged approach
  • Evaluating available tools to ensure they adhere to both internal and external standards, whilst still allowing for farmer, supplier, and partner choice
  • Respecting farmers’ wishes and providing flexibility in tool selection to recognize the diversity of needs and preferences

9:30 am Creating Robust MMRV Across Cattle Systems for Agriculture to Accurately Assess Carbon & GHG Emissions


  • Identifying the metrics and management that reflect ecological and emissions improvement in grazing land systems such as increased carbon sequestration to enable the supply chain to benefit
  • Assisting producers in understanding metrics on the farm and ranch
  • Reviewing challenges in assessing carbon and emission reduction intensity in grazing and cattle feeding systems

10:00 am Audience Discussion: Identifying Current Shortfalls & Opportunities in MMRV Platforms for Agriculture to Accelerate Progress

  • Jason Rowntree CS Mott Chair of Sustainable Agriculture and Director, MSU’s Centre for Regenerative Agriculture


  • Accounting for the current gaps in MMRV platforms in agricultural supply chains to plan potential solutions
  • What advancements can we anticipate in MMRV tools for agriculture moving forward in the long term?
  • How can models be refined to accommodate variations in geolocations more effectively?

11:00 am Morning Refreshments & Speed Networking

Bridging Gaps Between Key Players Across the Value Chain to Unite Agricultural Sustainability Efforts

12:00 pm Leveraging the FoodS3 Model to Estimate GHG Emissions and Enhance Supply Chain Connectivity

  • Jennifer Schmitt Programme Director and Lead Scientist, University of Minnesota


  • Estimating where emissions occur within supply chains and the heterogeneous nature of agriculture, to understand the impact on carbon, water and ecosystem services
  • Emphasizing the need for developing pathways and mechanisms to distribute responsibility and allocate resources equitably across the supply chain, through frameworks like carbon accounting, to foster industry-wide sustainability initiatives
  • Understanding that addressing emissions shouldn’t solely burden farmers, but requires collaboration across the supply chain 

12:30 pm Leveraging Technology to Drive Actionable Strategies in the Agricultural Supply Chain

  • Jennifer Hebets Senior Director, Responsible Sourcing, Supplier Engagement and Supplier Diversity, Kellanova


  • Delving into real-world examples of how technology-driven insights illuminate blind spots, enabling strategic alignment across value chains and facilitating impactful partnerships
  • Exploring how data serves as the cornerstone for informed decision-making in an ever-evolving landscape, where protocols and regulations are in flux
  • Understanding the role of machine learning technology in deriving insights on carbon footprints

1:00 pm Lunch & Networking

Evaluating Regulatory Considerations & Standards for Carbon Accounting in the Agri-Supply Chain

2:30 pm Panel Discussion: Standardization & Actionable Guidance for Accelerating Scope 3 Agricultural Emissions Reductions


  • Discuss the role of voluntary standards organizations and major food corporations in agricultural emissions reduction
  • Outline actionable guidance and next steps for companies to accelerate Scope 3 emissions reductions in agriculture
  • Gain insights from leading NGO’s including the and The Nature Conservancy

3:00 pm Enhancing Scope 3 Engagement: Accounting for Interventions and Mitigation Practices in Agricultural Supply Chains

  • Matt Ramlow Senior Research Associate, World Resources Institute


  • Accounting for interventions and mitigation practices in a scope 3 context to reduce emission and increase removal
  • Empowering producers in agricultural supply chains to navigate the complexities of voluntary carbon markets and scope 3 emissions, ensuring they have the awareness and flexibility to make informed decisions amidst evolving frameworks and demand from consumer goods companies
  • Addressing the footprint of production, including the importance of supplier engagement programs for traceability and the limitations of traditional insetting methods in accounting the full impact of agricultural inputs

3:30 pm Audience Discussion: Perspectives on Emission Reductions & Accounting Standards Challenges to Advance Sustainability Goals

  • Eric Hassel Vice President, Sustainability Standards, Measurement & Reporting, Innovation Centre for U.S. Dairy
  • Adam Barka Director of Environmental Stewardship, Christensen Farms


  • Viewpoints on investment into clean energy generation technologies, feed additives and genetic selection
  • Reviewing how carbon accounting standards create barriers to investment in emission reduction technologies and practices at the farm level. How can we create practical solutions?
  • Evaluate progress beyond the constraints of carbon accounting to recognize practical realities of emission reductions on the ground

4:00 pm Afternoon Networking Break

4:30 pm Roundtable Discussions


More practical and highly interactive breakout roundtables where attendees can crowd-source solutions and share opinions around pre-assigned topic areas. A valuable chance for attendees to unite around hot topics and debate best practice. This is a dedicated opportunity for you to voice your experience and identify unique solutions.

Understanding Challenges Across the Supply Chain to Foster Equitable Rewards:

  • Explore insights into what’s working and what’s not within current strategies across the supply chain
  • Delve into the challenges hindering equitable rewards throughout the supply chain
  • Understand the importance of addressing the needs of farmers, CGPs, Retailers and providers for a more equitable supply chain
  • Discover solutions to ensure every step of the value chain benefits 

5:30 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

  • Sean Arians Vice President, Sustainability, National Corn Growers Association

5:45 pm End of Conference Day One